نعمت سادات، مرد افغانی الاصل امریکائی و پروفیسور دانشگاه امریکائی در افغانستان از علایق همجنسگرائی اش پرده برداشت و این رازش را از طریق رسانه ها فاش ساخت.
انسانهای زیادی در دنیا زندگی میکنن که حق دارن آزاد باشن حق دارن که هرجور که فکر میکنن زندگی کنن نمیدانم چرا مردم افغانستان اینقدر به این استاد دانشگاه حرف میزنن در حالی که آقای سیاف مظنون به بچه بازی هست کسی نمیتانه حرفی بزنه چرا؟
آقای سادات در یک پیام فسبوکی اش نوشته است: ” خیلی خرسندم ازینکه موفق شدم فرایند بیرون شدن از پشت پرده همجنسگرائی را تکمیل کنم و بار سنگینی را از روی شانه های بردارم.”
سادات افزوده است: “میخواهم به کسانیکه هنوز در مورد من نمیدانند بگویم، بلی من افتخار میکنم که یک همجنسگرا، یک افغان و یک مسلمان هستم. حالا میتوانم بدون سوالهای اذیت کننده خاله ها و کاکاهایم که میگفتند (نعمتی تو چرا زن نکدی .. . ؟)، زنده گی کنم و حالا هیچ کسی نخواهد پرسید که چرا ازدواج نکرده ام.”
در عکسهای که نعمت سادات در دیوار فسبکش گذاشته است، دیده میشود که بعضی اوقات وی چهره اش را مثل زنها آراسته میسازد و همچنان خصوصیات زنانه در ژست وحرکات وی نیز دیده میشود.
این در حالی است که همجنسگرائی یکی از جرایم شدید و جدی در افغانستان پنداشته میشود که کیفرش احتمالاً به اعدام/مرگ خواهد انجامید.
The First Afghan who came out of the closet. The Afghan society is one of the most complicated society with relatively complicated traditions and beliefs. Afghans over the past century have had many ups and downs, yet they always remained culturally together. Often times religious beliefs were the point of a common ground which would bring all Afghans from different groups and ethnicities together, as together enough as they would go into wars and scarify lives and in millions. This, on the other hand, had turned the society to almost have no diversities in terms of people's beliefs, behaviors and their lifestyle. With all the good and bad developments in today's society, there are some emerging culturally awkward issues that would have been looked at it completely differently by different people. One situation is the announcement made by former American University's professor Nemat Sadat. He made it public that he is a GAY and in fact he wanted to announce and respond to his relatives that he was not going to get married to a woman. We would like to know your reactions to this announcement by the Afghan American Professor who taught at the American University of Afghanistan for awhile. Below is the message that he posted on his wall: "I’m so happy to have finished the process of “coming out” to the entire world. Burden lifted forever. For the last few people in the planet who don’t know, let me tell you now: Yes, I am proud to be gay, Afghan, American and Muslim. So get over it! Now, I can live life without all the kala jaan’s & kaaka jaan’s (aunties & uncles) harassing and pressuring with questions like, “Nematee, tu chura zan nakardee?” Now, no grown-up shall dare ask me why I haven’t married a woman. If they do, I will simply shake my head, snap my finger, toss my hair and tell them I am marrying a distinguished gentleman and in Pashto we call it خاوند “khaawand” (owner, proprietor husband) and if you want to offer your son or nephew for my hand then tell him I want a platinum ring on my finger, a Central Park wedding ceremony and a Manhattan skyscraper rooftop reception afterwards. I have it all planned out. The bespoke lifestyle awaits. Oh yeah! ". Please drop a line and share you thoughts and ideas about Mr. Nemat Sadat. No abuse, No offense.
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